# Software
There are two ways to put the firmware on the ESP32:
- Uploading the .bin files
- Compiling it yourself
# Uploading the bin files
There are two bin files, one for the firmware itself and one for the contents of the ESP32's build-in flash memory (SPIFFS).
You can download the latest release (opens new window) and use esptool (opens new window) to upload the files to the ESP32.
The releases in the firmware repo (opens new window) are build for the Pixel Art Frame PCB!
If you have for example wired your matrix differently you have to compile the firmware yourself.
# Compiling it yourself
The Pixel Art Frame is built with platformio (opens new window). To start using platformio, install VS code and install the platformio extension.
After that, clone the firmware repo:
git clone https://github.com/pixel-art-frame/firmware.git
Open the project in platformio and click on build!
A compiled version should appear in the .pio/build/wemos_d1_mini32